__L'affaire Climat

__L'affaire Climat

Climate Case wins on appeal too!

Climate Case won! You won! We won, all together!

On 30 November 2023, our country wrote history. That day, the Brussels Court of Appeal drew a line under the negligent climate policy of the Belgian state and the Flemish and Brussels regions. And ordered them to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. This is HUGE!

Please find the machinetranslated English verdict on this link.

% of 15.000
11571 co-claimants and supporters

Thanks to Lucas

Join us as a supporter and strengthen the Climate Case. The more co-claimants and supporters we gather, the greater the pressure we can apply on our governments to take decisive action.

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Our legal and operational costs are fully funded by donations.

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The journey of Klimaatzaak

Alongside over 70,000 citizens, vzw Klimaatzaak (Climate Case) is taking legal action against the Belgian authorities to hold them accountable for their international climate commitments. Here, you can follow all the updates on the progress of our case.

  • 2014

  • December 1, 2014

    Climate Case sends formal notice to the four Belgian authorities

    Non-profit Climate Case formally declares the four responsible governments (the regions and the federal state) to be in breach of their climate obligations. Climate Case calls on the governments to fulfill their responsibilities – to reduce Belgium’s  greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels.

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  • 2025

Who is Climate Case?

A movement of dedicated individuals

Founded in 2014 by 11 concerned citizens, Climate Case was born out of the determination to challenge Belgium's inadequate climate policies. Today, the initiative is supported by 22 ambassadors and more than 40 committed volunteers, all working together toward a common goal.

A skilled legal team

Our legal team is led by masters Carole Billiet and Audrey Baeyens from Baeyens & Billiet, alongside master Roger Cox, who won the pioneering Dutch Climate Case of Urgenda as well as the case against the carbon major Shell. Together, they represent Climate Case and all co-plaintiffs. For the cassation proceedings, masters Paul Wouters and Jacqueline Oosterbosch take the lead.

Leadership and coordination

The governing board, composed of eight members, sets our strategic direction. Day-to-day operations are overseen by our director, Sarah Tak, who manages all coordination. She receives bookkeeping support from Fidiaz, while Unanimous and Cypres assist with communications.

How do we use donations?

Your contributions help cover legal fees, operational costs, and communications. Any remaining funds after the case will be donated to Belgian organizations and projects focused on ecology and sustainable transition.

View our budget (in Dutch) >
View our budget (in French) >

Send an email to friends

Email your friends and colleagues and encourage them to join in. We’ve prepared a short message to inspire you.